
Thetravelingbum – Ragazzi che si “spogliano” per raccontare il loro coming out

7 mins read


A prima vista potrebbe sembrare uno dei tanti profili social dedicati alla bellezza del corpo maschile, ma thetravelingbum è molto di più.
I ragazzi immortalati in questi scatti mostrano molto di più dei loro culi, l’intento del creatore di questo account infatti è quello di celebrare la libertà dell’esporsi, il sentirsi liberi di mostrarsi al mondo per ciò che si è, mettersi a nudo.

“A series of unexpected events led me to being naked on top of a beautiful mountain in New Zealand. There were two major components that propelled me 5 miles completely up a mountain. “Shame & Peace. ” I have been running from shame and trying to rid it from my soul for as long as I can remember. There were few moments in my life where my mind, body, heart and soul existed in peace and harmony. I was constantly trying to change myself to be “better”. Yet when I came to the country of New Zealand, an acquaintance from Hawaii invited me on a road trip of a lifetime in the most bomb spray painted camper van ever! (It is now tattooed on my leg). Our first day on the South Island, we walked under an arch that said peace, perfect peace. Little did I know that I would be finding out what those words meant over the next coming months. That brings me to this picture on top of Roys Peak overlooking Lake Wanaka. Over the course of this trip, I fought against shame. I was able to accept and let go of so much fear and insecurity just by embracing who I was born to be. Being able to bare everything that I am to this world and only have beauty shown back at me allowed for light to shine in the darkest of places. Seeds of hope were planted in places that once were barren and lifeless. This trip was the start to the lifelong journey of healing and peace. I am better human today because in this moment I surrendered everything I used to cover my nakedness. I chose to stare my shame down until all that I could see was the endless beauty this world has to offer.”

Un post condiviso da @thetravelinbum in data:

“I’ve gone up and down with my weight my whole life. From the skinny kid ashamed to take his shirt off at the pool, the overweight and depressed closeted married man. Today I’m living my true life and with that comes accepting and loving my body whatever shape it’s in. Loving yourself means loving who you are both inside and out.”

Un post condiviso da @thetravelinbum in data:

As anyone who has ever been a kid or a teen will remember, school bathrooms are more than a place to go to the bathroom. They are a place of social interaction, where gossip is gossiped, and confidences are exchanged. When you remove a student from that community you are stigmatizing him or her. Being a teen is hard enough, but being a trans teen should be no harder than usual. The new ruling fails to take account of what common humanity should acknowledge: that within a school bathroom or outside it, a transgender student is much more likely to be the victim of bullying. Take a stand for what you believe in whether that risks your job, your friends, or your family. Basic human rights shouldn’t be taken away that were already established. #DumpTrump 📸: @hrwunderbar

Un post condiviso da @thetravelinbum in data:

fonte: thegailygrind